Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The No Longer Tick Of A Lost Watch

There's nothing finer than finding something lost.

With the old trunk opened and it's contents strewed across the floor, I found a box. The box, only a few feet away, called to me. I reached out and plucked it from the debris that surrounded it. Inside was a bag. The bag wrapped a small container. The small container held a watch lost for what seems like a millennium. It was the first watch I purchased by myself for me. It sat quietly in my hand, no longer ticking, frozen at some point in time.

So many memories came with the finding of the watch. When I got it, where I was and who was with me. It told me what time I broke a finger. It reminded me I was late for a movie only to find a friend I had lost touch with. So many things I had forgotten came back.

It no longer makes a sound, the Tick lost long ago but it still speaks loud and clear.

I placed the watch into the container, wrapped it back up in the bag, then stuffed it back in the box. I placed the box at the bottom of the chest in hopes that when what feels like a millennium passes once more, I will find the quiet watch and let it speak to me of all the things I forgot.

View through Nostalgia

Our Daily Challenge: Quiet

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