Wednesday, August 21, 2013

It's A New Day's Adventure

It's A New Day's Adventure by hbmike2000
It's A New Day's Adventure, a photo by hbmike2000 on Flickr.

As the early morning sun's flames reached over the high mountain tops, it's golden rays of light wound it's way through the slats in my window and slapped me awake. Would today be the day?

I quickly showered, got dressed, petted a mound of cat hair I swear was a cat and grabbed my trusty compass I purchased from a vending machine for a dime in front of a grocery store over two decades ago. I hoped today would be the day.

With compass in hand, I headed North by Northwest. I was looking for something local, something new. It's a new day's adventure and today HAD to be the day!

Finally, I came across some of the native wild life. I slowly approached, hoping not to startle it. It was a fine specimen too. Slowly. It looked up at me, our eyes met. I was afraid it was going to run but it didn't. Closer. It showed signs of running but held it's ground. Finally, I was close enough. "Excuse me sir, Could you pull my finger?" Today wasn't the day.

View with your local wildlife

Our Daily Challenge: Discovery

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