Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I Should Of Known Something Was Wrong ...

... when I noticed all the flies left.

As we drove down Highway 79 with the windows UP and the air conditioner on, I realized we were passing my RURAL photo opportunity.
STOP!, I yelled and stop he did as we skidded to a stop sideways in the middle of the road.
Holding his chest and staring at me with a panicked look, he exclaims WHAT? I innocently looked back and quietly said, I want to take a picture of a cow. We'll skip the next part and just say it wasn't very polite.
I opened the door, and was smacked by the smell of ten thousand cows instantly. I made it about a foot and half before jumping back in the car and closing the door. I was asked if I got my shot and I replied, No, it stank too bad. That's when I got chucked out the door and told not to come back till I got the (I'm not repeating the word) shot.

Five minutes later (I had to take TWO breaths) I was back in the car gasping for air as I exclaimed I got the shot and we were off following the flies out of Dodge!

If you are wondering what the cows are doing, they are standing in line for Lady Gaga's new CD.

View with heavy duty nose plugs

Our Daily Challenge: Rural

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