Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Inside No. 814

Inside No. 814 by hbmike2000
Inside No. 814, a photo by hbmike2000 on Flickr.

While I was hiking along through my garage, I saw an old dusty train off in the distance. Curiosity took over me and I had to investigate. Upon closer inspection, I found the old train car to be No. 814 and carried Automobile Furniture. I didn't even know Automobiles needed furniture. I had to see though. I slowly slid the rustic door sideways with a metal scraping noise. It was dark inside and my eyes hadn't adjusted from the light. I felt a tiny tap on my toe and and a tiny voice with a bad Australian accent called up to me. "Hello Mate, give me a hand, will you?"

I ran. I still have NO clue what Automobile furniture is.

View FAR FAR away from a spider with a bad Australian accent

Our Daily Challenge: Interior (I couldn't fit my camera in there. I did try though :) )

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