Sunday, June 2, 2013

Windmills, Wind, Dirt And Camera

On one of our "let's drive around with no place to go and gps off" trips around the Coachella Valley, we came across some wind turbines high up on a hill. We parked the car, I cleaned my lens, opened the door and got blasted by 30 to 40 mph winds. With the dust and sand blowing all around, my lens was instantly filthy. I did the only thing I knew, stuck up a particular finger at the wind, took some photos, then got hit with a gust of wind so strong it actually blew me off my feet. There I sat about five feet away next to a cactus and some desert critter who just sat there looking at me. It shrugged it's shoulders at me, held out it's hand and I took it. So there we sat, holding hands, waiting for the wind to die down enough so I could walk back to the car.

View on a dusty day

Sunday Sliders HSS


I don't normally do this but all my photo software crashed the other day and I had no way to process any photos. The photo I submitted to Sliders Sunday earlier is not the one I wanted to submit, it was just one that had already been processed so I am replacing it with this one. I finally got some of the software up and I choose this one because all the dirt and grime on the lens added some cool textures.

Now if you don't mind, it's already 96 degrees at 9:30 in the morning, so I am going to go do a belly flop into the pool before work. :)

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