Sunday, June 30, 2013

In The Belly Of A Rattlesnake

Yesterday, as the temperature hit 121 degrees Fahrenheit where I work, it was time to go home. I headed out the door and the first thing that hit me was the baking heat on my skin. That was in the shade. In a pool of sweat, I headed across the hot parking lot to my black car with the cracked windshield.

Halfway across the oven baked tarmac, I came across a rattlesnake sitting under a Mesquite tree with an empty glass next to him. Too hot to run, I just looked down at him, shrugged and said What? He stared at me for a moment, slid his tail to the empty glass and raised it up to me. "My Good sir", he says to me, "Would you be so kind as to refill my Iced Tea?" I gave him the bird and continued on my way and then everything went black.

That rat swallowed me hole! I found myself in the belly of a rattlesnake with yesterdays skeletal remains. Luckily, I had seen Pinocchio so I knew how to get out. I lit a bonfire. With a hack hack and a cough cough, I felt myself rolling towards the front end of the snake (thank goodness, I was really worried it could be the back end). As his mouth opened up and the light streamed in, I took this shot from the inside of it's mouth of it's charred and burnt fangs.

I hit the hot ground, face down about ten feet from the snake. I looked up and saw him, staring at me from the shade of the tree. He smiled. I raised my hand as if to wave, then slowly lowered all my fingers save one. And that's when everything went black again. All's well, I get good reception on my phone in here so I can still upload to flickr.

View from the belly of a snake

Sliders Sunday HSS


Today is supposed to be about the same temperature and then starting tomorrow, it's supposed to start cooling down. Now, if you don't mind, I am going to go throw my underwear in the freezer.

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