Wednesday, June 19, 2013

This Guard Dog Is For The Birds

I can't use my front door because of Miss Thing here. She has a nest right across from the door and parks here big feathery rear right in front of it. She's always there, day or night. I can see the nest through the door window and yesterday, there were two babies squawking up there. The day before there was three, so I braved her wrath and went out there. After around ten minutes of being dive bombed, I finally found baby number three. It seemed O.K. so i went and got a plastic baggie for my hand and a ladder and was able to place it back in the nest. She hasn't thrown it out and I still see here going up there feeding them so I have hope she is not rejecting it.

This is the second round of babies this year (apparently she is a hussy). I got to see something I have never seen before during the first round, I got to watch here teach here babies to fly. She sat in a small tree screeching like crazy until the baby flew too her. Then she flew down to a rock about 20 feet away and started screeching all over again until the baby flew to her again. Next was the fence, then to the backyard, then to the neighbors tree and so on for about a half hour.

As cool as this has been, I've been throwing tiny condoms out the front door in hopes it wont happen a third time. Wish me luck.

View in Bird Vision or be dive bombed

Our Daily Challenge: Park

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