Friday, October 26, 2012

Radiator Springs Curios: If We're Here, We're Open

After having three Chili Cone Quesos at the Cozy Cone Motel, I started to walk down the street to the Radiator Springs Curios shop. Above the door hung a sign, If We're Here, We're Open. I walked around the corner to the front door and entered. I didn't see anyone so I called out, 'Hello?' A reply came from the back somewhere, 'No One Here'. Oh, I thought to myself, they must be closed.

I exited the store and started around the corner when I noticed people in the window again. Hmm, must of just opened re-opened, I thought. I turned and headed back around to the corner to the front door. As I entered the building once again, there was no one there, silient except for the chirp of a cricket coming from a dusty corner. 'Is Anyone Here?' I called. I muffled reply came back, 'Nope'.

Odd, I thought. I never had this problem before. I always come here after having three Chili Con Queso from the Cozy Cone Motel next door. Confused, I headed back out the door and around the corner. From the side of the building, I heard a small stampeed of feet from the inside, so I peaked in from the bottom corner of the window. People, lots of people, some working, some shopping but lots of people.

Quietly, I snuck around. I rolled through the grass and crawled under windows and came to the front door without being noticed. I jumped through, surprising everyone! With hands in the air and high pitched screams they all ran around in random circles and headed out the back door like a stampeed of terrorized cows.

'I Know You're Open', I yelled! From behind the back door a muffled voice replied, 'No No, If We're Not Here, We're Not Open!'

View on black or I'll come visit you after I have my three Chili Cone Quesos.

Fenced Friday

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