Sunday, October 7, 2012

Happy Halloween! Wasn't Me

Happy Halloween!  Wasn't Me by hbmike2000
Happy Halloween! Wasn't Me, a photo by hbmike2000 on Flickr.

Let's cut to the chase, everyone farts. We spend our entire life coming up with unique ways to blame it on anything and everything. We are embarrassed by it yet we all do it. Fill a room with 30 people and an all too familiar smell and you would get 30 comments along the lines of "I didn't do it", "I don't smell anything", "did something just die?" It's in our nature, we can't help it.

Opening the front door one cold, late October afternoon, I entered the house only to be hit with an over bearing smell. I called out to my roommate, "I think the pumpkin went bad, it stinks". He responded from the other room "it's fine, it was the cat". How sad, I thought, we've come to blaming the cats. I hollered in response, "The cat's 2 years old, you mean to tell me he chose today to start blowing air poo?" And then the familiar response, "wasn't me".

The following day as I sat at the computer doing what I'm sure was extremely important things, the familiar smell of rotten pumpkin came bellowing up. I looked across at my roommate who had a big smile on his face and was trying unsuccessfully not to laugh when he burst out with, "wasn't me, I swear", then rolled off the couch with tears in his eyes, laughing. "Go outside", I begged. It was too cold to open all the windows. "Better yet", I said, "go down the street". Yes, that bad. With the laughter turning to giggles now, he says "I swear, it's the cat"

For a week this went on and every time, he blamed the cat. I pointed out that it only happened when he was around. I pointed out that before I could smell anything, he started laughing. I pointed out the cat was only 10 pounds and 10 pounds of cat could not produce that.

At the end of the week as I sat at the computer doing what I know was extremely important things, I was enveloped by rotten pumpkin smell once again. I turned in my seat, stood with my finger pointing accusingly, opened my mouth to speak and realized, I was alone. Almost alone I should say. At my feet lay 10 pounds of cat looking up at me. Although he couldn't speak, I could read his eyes and they simply said, "Wasn't me".

View on black. Wasn't me. Thats all I have to say.


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