Saturday, October 6, 2012

How Disneyland Got It's Fall Colors

As I exited the narrow alley that left the Fall Festival at Big Thunder Ranch at Disneyland, I stopped for a moment to tie my shoe. I placed my camera to the left of me, my bags to the right, knelt down and began the slow tedious act of tieing my shoe.

Up and over, round and round .... wait a minute, thats not right. Over and under, up and down ... that can't be it either. A tap on my shoulder broke my concetration as my other half told me to hurry, I was blocking the way and people couldn't get through.

With added pressure, I tried again. Make bunny ears, twist and turn ... my laces fell to the side of my shoe like over cooked spagghetti. Another tap on my shoulder interupted me as I was told once again to hurry, people where building up behind us and were now wall to wall.

Sweat hung from my brow as I leaned over once again. Loop, flip, flop, pull. I could hear wood cracking as the fence began to feel the weight of people pressed against it. Turn, circle, wiggle, snap. Moaning of people as they began to pile up higher and higher behind me. Yank, push, curl, circle. More cracking of wood as the fence hit its limit. Loop, circle, under, pull.

I did it!!! As I stood to get out of the way, there was a big snap, followed by a crackle, then a huge pop as people and Fall Decorations from the festival area flew in every direction!

And that is how Disneyland got its Fall Colors

This lovely arrangement fell right in front of me. Along with a shoe. Not mine.

View on black or I'll tie my shoe in front of you. Not in hurry are you?


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