Friday, May 11, 2012

Shoutout At The O.K. Corral

This wasn't my fault. It was a totally honest mistake. I was headed East in Frontierland when I heard a voice from behind me yell 'Westward Ho'. I spun around, pins flying off my lanyard and faced the rude person yelling at me from behind. 'Who you callin HO, Helium Heels! She gasped, dropped her bags full of merchandise and hissed at me. I brought my hand up, made a claw like gesture and 'pfffft pfffffft' back at her.

She dived for me! I ducked but was too late and we hit the ground in a big ball of flailing arms and cat noises. We rolled to the left, we rolled to the right, her posse yelling 'Get him', my posse yelling 'OMG we are SOOO embarassed!"

After a few minutes, the Disney Police came and broke it up. She stood, wiping the lonely dust spot off her dress, I stood, battered, torn and bleeding.

The Disney Police looked at me, snickered and said, Dude, you just got whooped by a six year old girl. Then he tossed me over the fence.

View on Black or I'll chuck you over the fence. (Fine, I'll hire someone to chuck you over the fence)


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