Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Reflecting by hbmike2000
Reflecting, a photo by hbmike2000 on Flickr.

I stood in front of the window for what seemed hours. After being closed for who knows how long, it finally re-opened ... Gibson Girl Ice Cream Parlor. The weather knew it too, the sun shined down upon my balding head, cooking my brain. Mmmmmm, ice cream, I drooled under my breath. But I hadn't had lunch yet, should I have some now and wreck my appetite or go eat and come back. My stomache growled, yelling HURRY UP and decide. I scratched my burning head, belched to make room and entered the newly re-modeled building. ICE CREAM I yelled, and made a bee line straight for the counter, hopping over the new queue line fences. My decision was made. Ice Cream, Lunch and then more Ice Cream. Three hours later I was wheeled out of the park looking semi pregnant.

View on Black and don't mention I have a photo of me in a window with the words Gibson Girl across it or I will drip Ice Cream on your shoe.

100 Pictures: #25 Reflection

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