Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Imma Ten

Imma Ten by hbmike2000
Imma Ten, a photo by hbmike2000 on Flickr.

1: I have that scruffy look (I'm too lazy to shave)

2: I don't have too many wrinkles (not after 2 hours of processing anyway)

3. I have pouty lips (the drawback is puffy cheeks)

4. My sisters uglier (she'll never see this)

5. My hair is stylish (both of them)

6. My nose isn't too big (it's just my face thats too small)

7. I'm focused (I accidentally super glued my eyes open. It's only creepy when I'm asleep)

8. I like a good conversation (usually with myself so if you don't mind, could you be quiet)

9. I wear cool glasses with no lenses (they fell out and I can't find them)

10. Imma Ten (Keep drinking, I'll get there eventually)

View on Black. No where in this scale of 1 to 10 does it say I'm nice.

Our Daily Challenge: Scale

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