Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Tranquil Moment

The Tranquil Moment by hbmike2000
The Tranquil Moment, a photo by hbmike2000 on Flickr.

It was a long day and I stopped to rest and admire my surrounding beauty. The Monorail whispering over head, the water rippling below, the low hum of a submarine slinking by filled my sences with joy. Out in the middle of the water, a bouy with three fake birds and real bird poo on it bobbed up and down to the small waves created by the submarines as they passed. All was at one.

With the sound of a bell, the birds clacked and clicked, heads turning and beaks moving. A very loud voice began to come from them, 'MINE, MINE, MINE' drowning out all other sounds. Still everything was at one. Atleast until 20 minutes later when my spouse stopped in front of me unexpectedly and mumbled something about if I said 'Mine, Mine, Mine' one more time that ... well, lets just say I would be able to sing soprano.

The rest of the day I sang, 'Yours, Yours, Yours, in a deep, manly voice. (it's all about compromise)

View on black or I will send the fake birds over to your place.

100 Pictures: #17 Landscape


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