Saturday, April 7, 2012

Pardon Me, Do You Have A Napkin To Put Under The Leg?

While trying to eat lunch one day at Pacific Wharf, I noticed my soup kept running out of one side of my sourdough bowl. I folded up a napkin and put it under the low side of the bowl and that worked. But then I noticed my bowl kept sliding off the table. I folded up a napkin and put it under the low side legs of the table and that fixed it. But then I noticed my table sliding off the wharf. I folded up a napkin and put it under the low end pilings of the Wharf and that straightened things out. I stood looking at my handywork, smiling. But then the napkin gave out under the pilings, flinging the napkin out from under the table, shooting the napkin out from under my sourdough bowl and THATS when the soup hit the fan!

View on black or I'll pull the folded up napkin out from the low side of your computer monitor.



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