Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter From Your Future Holiday Dinner

Found these guys next to the Matterhorn in Fantasyland Disneyland. Brave little guys running in and out of little kids feets, fearless. The kids were funny. The ducklings would run next to there feet and the kids would be like statues, then when the ducklings waddled back to the grass, the kids were like a bunch of Adults in a Retro Candy Store finding things they haven't seen in 20 years. (What? It was good candy). Anyway, I got some shots of them, waved, said 'Goodbye future Easter Dinner' and every kid in the vicinity began to ball there eyes out. So I explained (lied like crazy) that I was a vegatarian and I was talking to the grass.

View on Black or NO Duck soup for you


For more Meal shots

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