Saturday, January 28, 2012

Out Of All The Witches In The World, Mine Is Blonde

I heard a slight rasping at my door the other morning so I got up to see what it was. I opened the door to what at first could only be a rather large prune. As the rather large prune spoke to me, I realized it was the old hag witch from down the street who lived at the Half Way House For Old Hag Witches. What do you want Old Hag Witch I said. She giggled and spun her blonde hair from a wig around her finger. I was wondering, her eyes like white raisins looked down to her feet, if per chance you would like to buy some Girl Scout Cookies from me, she replied. I stared at her for a moment, stunned. Are you kidding me, I said. You haven't been in the Girls Scouts for atleast three thousand years! Her little white raisins of eyes darted back up to me. What the ... she said. I damn you to a life of misery eating flies you toad! She cackled and raised a wrinkled finger with emaculate nails at me. As I was wondering where she got her nails done at, I heard a loud pop and some crackling and then a slight fizzy sound. My cheeks puffed out and I let out a loud croak, What the heck, I look I have the mumps! Oh dear, she said, kicking a pretend rock with her shoe, why can't I ever get that spell right. She giggled like a shy four year old girl, flipped her blonde hair from a wig off her shoulder and said, sorry, see you later, ok, bye bye.

View on Black or I'll give the Blonde Old Hag Witch your address so she can practice her witch craft on you

Our Daily Challenge: Craft

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