Saturday, January 28, 2012

How To Stop A Child From Crying

While trying to rest at a bench from a long visit at Disneyland, my peace was disturbed by a Mom and her crying 1 year old in a stroller. Don't get me wrong, the Mom was great. She tried everything to get the baby to quiet down but to no avail. Finally I leaned over and said, may I try. The desperate mother nodded her head, By all means she said, go ahead. I squatted down to the baby lying in the stroller, crying non stop. Hey little one I said, it's eyes looked up at me, the crying momentarily stopped, see that mountain over there with all that netting on it? The baby's eye strayed from mine and looked over at the big mountain. Well I said, those are spider webs from giant spiders. The baby's eyes jerked back to me and got wide. I continued now that I had it's attention, Notice you don't see any spiders up there? The baby's eyes got even bigger. Thats becuase they are all down here hiding, waiting to jump out at us. With that, the infants eyes grew to the size of it's head. It gave out a high pitched scream, jumped right out of it's diaper and ran down Main Street USA heading towards the Exit to Disneyland. I looked up to the mother who was staring at me slack jawed, Well looky there I said, a bonus. Your baby stopped crying and I seemed to have taught it to walk TOO.

View on Black or I will send the giant spiders to your house

Our Daily Challenge: NET

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