Sunday, January 29, 2012

Give A Hoot, Don't Pollute

Give A Hoot, Don't Pollute by hbmike2000
Give A Hoot, Don't Pollute, a photo by hbmike2000 on Flickr.

Disneyland is infamous for the wonderful smells it pumps into the air. Lately though, it's been another kind of smell and it's not too favorable. In and around Fantasyland, it's been kind of smelling like a sewer. Just small pocket areas though and it seems to move around. One day it was over by It's A Small World, another day by Alice In Wonderland. I've seen workers around those area and it looks like they are on the hunt to stop the smells, I just don't think they figured out where it is coming from. WELL, Dear Disney Smell Police, I found your problem. I was over by Sleeping Beauty's Castle when the offending odor struck. After a quick glance at my spouse who with just their eyes said, say it and I'll punch you, I noticed a little owl sitting on the fence. Little owl, I said, did you just toot? I got my answer when his eyes searched the ground around his feet. Now you tell me thats not a guilty look if ever you saw one.

View on black or I'll send Mr. Toots to roost in your attic


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