Saturday, January 11, 2014

What Part Of Ding Dong Did You Not Understand

Via Flickr:
With my favorite food in the WHOLE world back on the market, I headed off to the grocery store. Upon locating the shelf where they were supposed to be, I found a crumb and nothing else. Quickly I located a sweet old lady with a cane who worked there. Politely I asked, Do you have any more Ding Dongs? She smiled and hobbled off slowly down the aisle with her cane in hand. Stopping about halfway down, she reached to the shelf and pulled something off then slowly hobbled on back to where I was. She placed the product on the shelf in front of me and replied with the sweetest Grandma voice ever, Here you go young man. I held up my hand and quietly (but loud enough for her to hear with a hearing aid) said, You wait here for just a moment, then with arms swinging wildly back and forth by my side, hurried off doing my best Power Walk. Out the doors, through the parking lot, to my car and into the trunk. I found what I needed and with butt swinging wildly back and forth did an even quicker Power Walk back to the store, into the doors and down the aisle where the cutest little Grandma ever waited patiently. I took the hammer, swung it over my head and brought it down on the cheap disgusting knock off that was NOT what I asked for and looked her straight in the eyes and asked her in my best 'I'm talking to a child' voice, Do you know what a Ding Dong is???

and that's when her right foot flew up from the ground with lightning speed, kicking me right in the groin. With the sweetest Grandma voice EVER, she replied, I most certainly do young man.

View rolling around the ground groaning

Our Daily Challenge: Play With Your Food (you should really know better than to make a challenge like this when I am involved) :)

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