Friday, January 24, 2014

#GettingCloser To Our Future

Via Flickr:
To further understand where we are going in this world, we have to understand where we have been. What did we do right to get here, what did we do wrong? What exactly caused all the extinctions in the past and can we prevent it from happening again.

With that in mind, I traveled back in time 85 million years to visit the Cretaceous Period and get a closer look at the truth of our future.

First thing I noticed was all the dinosaurs were only 1 1/2 inches tall. Who knew, right? Further study revealed their bones were made of foam that expands in water, hence all the large bones we find here in the present.

Second thing I noticed was they were split into two political parties, The Carnocrat and the Replubivore. Neither side agreed on anything and nothing got done. Even if they did agree, they hated each other so much, they would disagree just to spite the other. Finally, the Carnocrats got so fed up, they started eating the Replubivores. The Replubivores in turn started eating poison so when they got eaten themselves, they would in turn kill the Carnocrat. And that my friends is what really happened to the dinosaurs.

Oh yeah, then a big rock fell from the sky and landed in the water and flooded the earth with a big wave which was why their foam bones expanded into the size they are now.

So I ask, in 85 million years and a few species later, have we really learned anything? Hopefully the next species to come along somewhere in the next 85 million years will get it right.

View in D I N O V I S I O N !

Our Daily Challenge: Brand New

#FlickrFriday #GettingCloser


A few weeks ago, my Mother-in-Law gave me some plastic dinosaurs for ages 3 and up. Thought I might like them. I'm so embarrassed, I do. So with today's Challenge, I opened them up

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