Sunday, September 29, 2013

With A Breath

With A Breath by hbmike2000
With A Breath, a photo by hbmike2000 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
Fifer ran to the supermarket late one night to grab some Hostess Cupcakes. On his way back through the dark forest he heard a twig snap behind him and stopped. Without a sound he stood, listening, frozen. Through the cold air he felt a warm breath down the back of his neck. Terror filled little Fifers body as he turned to face the monster behind him in the dark. Gimme some of those dang Cupcakes you pig, exclaimed the Big Bad Wolf, or I'll huff and I'll puff and inhale them all and with one breath, he did. The Big Bad Wolf began to choke and cough as Fifer ran. The pig reached into his coat, pulled out a box of Ding Dongs and a jug and yelled back to the Wolf, Got Milk! Not watching where he was going, he tripped on a stone, spilled the milk and squished his Ding Dong as he fell to the ground.

The moral of the story is ... don't be a pig.

View with a Twinkie and a glass of milk

Sliders Sunday HSS

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