Sunday, September 15, 2013

The March Across The Bones Of The Dead

Via Flickr:
The Queen crested the hilltop and looked down upon the valley of her kingdom as the breeze blew the scent of death across her face. Her Throne, standing majestically on the rocks covered in dried mud, stood on the other side of the white sandy beaches of the lost. She began her descent down the hill towards the edge of the beach, towards her throne. The flies flew thick, buzzing through the air, whispering in her ear. She came to the edge of the beach, where the world seemed to stop and looked down across the white sand. Bones, millions of white bones lay across the ground deep, the new next to the old. Her heart slowed as she wept for the lost, for what could of been and she began her slow march across the bones of the dead.

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