Monday, April 29, 2013


POGS by hbmike2000
POGS, a photo by hbmike2000 on Flickr.

One of the neat things about moving (there are not really many) is all the old stuff you find that was forgotten. At the bottom of an old trunk, I found these, POGS. I stared at them for a moment and all I could remember was, they are POGS. I couldn't remember how to play or where they came from. I rolled a couple over in my hands, flipping them back and forth trying to jog my memory. They are from McDonalds and Universal Studios because they say so. They have movie names on them, Jaws, King Kong, E.T. and Earthquake and I have about a thousand more from all over. I placed them on the lid of a container for the shot and as I held the camera in my hand a memory came snapping into my brain. Way back when, my twenty something brain turned these into a drinking game. I was horrible at it and lost all the time. Might explain why I remember nothing else about them.

View on black or I'll sick Jaws after you.

Our Daily Challenge: Geometrics ( I hope this is right )

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