Tuesday, April 16, 2013

City Made Of Toys

City Made Of Toys by hbmike2000
City Made Of Toys, a photo by hbmike2000 on Flickr.

City Made Of Toys

When I was a kid, I loved the supersized world of Gumby and Pokey. I even tried to recreate it. I dragged every toy out of my closet and out from under my bed and built a city of toys. Still not large enough, I went and grabbed every toy from my sisters rooms and built it even bigger. Once finished, I stood back and admired the great walls of my city made of toys. It took up the whole room and stood a majestic four feet tall (that's about how high I was). After about three seconds of admiration I did what any other kid would do, played Godzilla, destroyed my city made of toys and went out to play.

Upon my grand return home I found my Dad waiting for me. If I told you once, I've told you a hundred times, he says to me, I will throw your toys away if you don't pick them up when your done playing. I ran to my room and found a clean floor with no toys and two sisters sitting on my bed, toyless and mad. I walked outside grabbed the trash can and dragged it into the house and positioned it in the hallway between my room and my sisters room. I reached in grabbed a toy, threw it in my room. I reached in again, grabbed trash, and threw it into my sisters room. I got about ten minutes into this routine when they went told.

View on black or I'll have Gumby pokey your eye out

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