Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Whoooo Are You?

Whoooo    Are    You? by hbmike2000
Whoooo Are You?, a photo by hbmike2000 on Flickr.

I walked out to my garden one morning to find most of my plants stripped down bare to just stems. Mad as all be, I searched for the culprit who did this.

On a plant in a pot on a bench I found him, smoking from some contraption I later learned was a Hookah Pipe. Did you eat my plants I asked him. He looked down, closed his eyes and shook his head. Silly man he says to me, do what? I stared at him and gestured around me, Eat My Plants, I asked him. Again, he looked down, closed his eyes and shook his head. He then looks up, blows smoke at me and says, I am only three inches tall, how could I eat all these plants?

I could feel the two brain cells in my head working overtime. He's right, if he ate this much, he would be atleast FOUR inches tall. I looked down at him once more, Then who ATE all my plants, I asked him. Once again, he looked down, closed his eyes and shook his head before answering me, No one.

I started to give him an earfull, my lips flapping, hands and arms flying all about as I went on about my plants when I noticed the little runt wasn't even listening to me. He was too busy shoving leaves into his stupid little Hookah Pipe. It was at that point I knew I would never find out who ate my plants.

View on black or I'll send wise cracking worm over to your place with his Hookahs!

112 Pictures in 2012: Insect or Spider

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