Saturday, September 29, 2012

Oswald's Service Station 1937

I pulled up to the pumps at Oswald's Service Station in my 1937 Packard Coupe, rolled down the window and yelled 'Fill er up! I have to drive to 1927 and find out what happened to Oswald the Lucky Rabbit.'

It seems, Oswald was a year older than Mickey but why haven't we seen him around more? What was he hiding? Was he really a Hare in Rabbits clothing? I had to find out.

With my car filled up with gas, I hired a bunch of eight year olds to push me down Buena Vista Street. Once they got my Packard up to 88 mph, I poofed back to 1927. Yes, it was a poof, if it was anything else, Universal would sue me.

I found Disney speaking with some man from Universal Studios. He persuaded Disney to create a cartoon character for Universal. Oswald was born. Oswald became a big hit and Disney went back to Universal to negotiate a better contract. Turned down, Disney quit and left for home. On the train ride home, Disney's brain clicked on every cylinder and an idea became a reality. A mouse, soon to be named Mickey by his wife, inhaled it's first breath.

On my way back to 2012, I poofed to a stop in 2006. Bob Igor made a deal with Universal and got Oswald and the original 26 shorts created from 1927 and 1928 back home to Disney.

Once again, my car poofed and I was back in 2012. I found my story. Out of loss, came the biggest Icon in history. And lets face it, the mans a genius for creating a three foot mouse that we don't all run away from screaming

View on black or I'll poof you back to the dark ages


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