Thursday, August 23, 2012

Somebody Please Take The White Rabbits Watch Away!

My Friend Alice came through the Looking Glass today for some Tea with me in the garden. We were having a blast catching up on old times when after around 2 liters of Tea I realized I had to use the bathroom.

As I stood up to go I said I would only be a minute and a 3" tall White Rabbit jumped out from behind my tea cup holding his pocket watch. One minute, one minute, hurry hurry, don't be late! I stared at him for moment then started to say, what the ... well, I won't put that word in here, when he chimed up, Fifty five seconds, fifty five second, don't be late, please don't be late.

I began to ask what happens if I'm late when he began again. Fifty seconds and counting down, please do hurry, you mustn't be late, you mustn't!

With that I ran in a panic! Out of the garden and into the front door I sped, over a cat and around the dog I ran, hopped and skipped.

To the bowl, to the sink and back to the garden I flew! When I returned I found the White Rabbit standing on my garden table scowling at me next to a puddle. I pointed, 'is that ...' and he cut me off, Your Three Seconds Late!

View on black or puddles the White Rabbit will come visit you.

Bokeh Thursday: Movie Titles (I based mine on the movie Speed. Get it, if I would of stopped I would of exploded. Bet you didn't guess that one! )

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