Saturday, August 11, 2012

How To Catch A Fish

How To Catch A Fish by hbmike2000
How To Catch A Fish, a photo by hbmike2000 on Flickr.

First, set your camera cause your going to want a good shot of the one that didn't get away.

Second, bait your hook. Make it good and firm on the hook. Don't want it to fall off, you know.

Third, drop hook and line in the water.

Fourth, wait patiently for a few minutes. Don't giggle, your scare the fish away.

Fifth, sneak into the water on the other side of the boat.

Sixth, swim quietly towards the hook where the fish is and hide behind a rock.

Seventh, as the fish swims towards the bait, jump out from rock and yell Booga Booga!

Eigth, take photo as fish screams like a little girl (see above).

Ninth, post embarrassing photo of fish screaming like a little girl on Flickr.

Tenth, go get fish floating in the water after it dies of embarrassment.

And thats how you catch a fish.

Bon Appetite

View on black or I will jump out from behind that chair you are sitting on and yell booga booga!


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