Friday, July 13, 2012

What Kid

What Kid by hbmike2000
What Kid, a photo by hbmike2000 on Flickr.

I was in Toontown trying to get a shot for 'In The Car' when I felt a tug on the pant leg of my jeans. I looked down to find a wide eyed little kid looking up at me. "Whats that, he asked, pointing towards Goofy's Gas Station. So I told him it was Goofy's Gas Station. "Whats that, he said. I followed his finger and explained those were the Gas Pumps. "Whats that, he inquired again and once again I followed the pointing finger. Those are fish in the Gas Pumps. Oh, he says.

"Whats thAAaaaaa ... That was the last thing I heard from him before I lifted him up and tossed him over the hills that acted as the fence to Toontown.

Two seconds later I felt a tap on my shoulder and the words, Did you just toss my kid out the park, in a deep manly voice. Knowing my time was limited, I quickly snapped this shot, opened my mouth and said Whats That as he flung me over the same hills that acted as a fence to Toontown and yelled after me to go get him.

View On Black or I'll toss you over the hills

Our Daily Challenge: In The Car

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