Monday, July 23, 2012

Post Cards From Radiator Springs: So You Want To Be Peter Pan

Dear Mom and Dad,

I may have lost Little Johnny. We went on this ride called Luigi's Flying Tires and you get to sit in this giant tire and air rushes from the ground and you float. I figured since it could float a giant tire, it might float Johnny. I asked him if he wanted to be Peter Pan, he said yes, so I pushed him over the side of the tire. He got about 30 or 40 feet up when I realized he wasn't coming down yet, so I pushed the large man who was sitting with us over the side too and told him to go get him. Johnny kept going up and the large man crashed to the ground at the entrance. He's gotta come down sometime though. Don't you think?

Your Only Son (we may have to face the fact he floated to the moon)

112 Pictures in 2012: Legs

Post Cards From Radiator Springs series

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