Sunday, December 22, 2013

Distracting Santa #Flickr12Days

Via Flickr:
I have a full proof plan on getting ALL of Santa's Toys this year. As he squeezes his big butt out of my fireplace, I'm gonna turn on all the Christmas lights and have my three Cats do the Can-Can dance (it's the only dance they know besides the Chicken Dance). Then all I have to do is sneak up to the roof wearing my sexy Reindeer outfit to distract those giant flying rats that pull his sleigh and grab Santa's toy sack.

Our Daily Challenge: Glass

It didn't work. Santa crashed down the chimney and rolled across my floor sending soot everywhere. As the Christmas Lights lit up, the first cat kept sleeping, the second decided to lick himself and the third one just sat there farting the whole time. Santa wouldn't even look at them. To make matters worse, I got molested by eight tiny reindeer and then they chucked me off the roof.

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