Thursday, November 21, 2013

Colorfully Twisted

Colorfully Twisted by hbmike2000
Colorfully Twisted, a photo by hbmike2000 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
I found when I bent it like this, this and that, it made it look like the purple glass thingy was floating in a background of color. I also found when you let go of that, that and this, it snaps back and will poke you in the eye, make you cry and then the three year old from across the street will come over and ask if you are OK. Then the three year old will tell you that was stupid and you should of known better. So when I get him a rock for his birthday this Saturday, I'm just gonna say, maybe you should of known better.

Just look at the dang photo and stop judging me.

Our Daily Challenge: Bend / Bendy

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