Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Yellow Bellied

Yellow Bellied by hbmike2000
Yellow Bellied, a photo by hbmike2000 on Flickr.

Yellow Bellied

Dear Marissa Mayer, CEO of Yahoo, could you please explain what WTF means to my 7 year old cats? Everytime I click a link on your new site that used to be Flickr, I exclaim loudy, WTF? And of course like any 7 year old who hear a word a thousand times, they are repeating constantly what their Daddy said. So, I would personally like to thank you for turning my cats into Potty Mouths.

PS. Don't ask for feedback and then take none of it.

View on ... seriously, if you found this photo your a step ahead of me

Our Daily Challenge: Yellow

and I have to ask, now that Flickr has completely changed into Tumblr, does this mean Tumblr will become just like what Flickr used to be?

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