Sunday, March 24, 2013


Cracked by hbmike2000
Cracked, a photo by hbmike2000 on Flickr.


I guess your wondering how I got here. It all started with a fly, a tiny little buzzing fly. As it came around for the hundredth time, I raised my hand and waved it away. I sat back once more to enjoy my lunch. I heard it first, knew it was somewhere but I couldn't see it. Slowly I raised my peanut butter and jelly sandwich to my starving mouth. The fly came in close, darting in out around my face. I waved more aggressively and it left yet again. As I raised my sandwich up for another try, the fly, in stealth mode, landed on my sandwich, stuck his tongue out at me and flew off. I chucked the sandwich at the fly. I missed. Unfortunately, I hit the cat who began to run around madly with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich stuck to his face. The cat ran off down the hallway and I went after the cat and the fly was in hot pursuit of us both. With one hand reaching for the cat and the other hand waving crazily behind me to shoo off the fly, the three of us blew through the screen door. Outside the cat stopped, I stopped, and the fly disappeared. With a sigh of relief, I bent down to pick the sandwich off the cat and that's when it happened, the fly came out of nowhere and cracked me one right in the nose. Crazy, right?

PS. I thank my toofs are loose. Anyone got some glue to put them back?

View on black, or the fly will come visit you.

Our Daily Challenge: Begins with C (cracked, the glasses, not me)

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