Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Tragic Death Of Philippe Rock

I first met Philippe in the desert just outside of the Palm Springs Tram. He was sitting there next to a million and half of his closest friends, smiling quietly and enjoying the sun. I struck up a conversation with him and we became best friends instantly. He rode around on my shoe as I hiked the long 50 foot dusty dry trail through the desert. Parched and out of breath, I stopped next to a steep canyon to enjoy the view. Philippe, down so low he couldn't see what I was seeing, begged to come up to my level. So I flipped him up like a hard, dirty hacky sack with a quick flip of my foot and over the canyon wall he went. I watched horrified has he went over the side, his shiny bits flashing in the harsh sun as he rolled down the side like a tumbleweed on crack. Finally, he crashed to the bottom of the canyon with a quiet little thud. I looked down at him, still, lifeless, not moving. I cried for a second, waved down to him, yelled, I LOVE YOU PHILIPPE ROCK!, then turned and walked away. I placed a little cross made of sticks and wild flowers next to the spot where he went over so the next time you go to the Palm Springs Tram, look for it, stop and pay your respect for the tragic death of Philippe Rock.

View on black or I'll Philippe you over the cliff.

Sunday Sliders HSS!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Perfect Fit

The Perfect Fit by hbmike2000
The Perfect Fit, a photo by hbmike2000 on Flickr.

The Perfect Fit

I hate buying shoes. Really, I can't stand it. So when my boots here got old, dusty, cracked and discolored, I packed up and moved to a place where they would fit in.

No, NOT an old folks home! The desert.

View on black or I'll throw dirt in your face, kick you in the shin and runaway

113 Pictures in 2013: #61 Boots

Monday, March 25, 2013

Cracked: Round 2

Cracked:  Round 2 by hbmike2000
Cracked: Round 2, a photo by hbmike2000 on Flickr.

Cracked: Round 2

It was quick, the fly knocked me out in 30 seconds.

This is an outtake from Our Daily Challenge, Begins With C. The focus on yesterdays photo was on me, and in this photo the focus was on the glasses.

The teeth are plastic people, not my real ones so stop asking who my dentist is, I'll never tell.

View on black or I'll bite you.

Our Daily Topic: Begins With C

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Cracked by hbmike2000
Cracked, a photo by hbmike2000 on Flickr.


I guess your wondering how I got here. It all started with a fly, a tiny little buzzing fly. As it came around for the hundredth time, I raised my hand and waved it away. I sat back once more to enjoy my lunch. I heard it first, knew it was somewhere but I couldn't see it. Slowly I raised my peanut butter and jelly sandwich to my starving mouth. The fly came in close, darting in out around my face. I waved more aggressively and it left yet again. As I raised my sandwich up for another try, the fly, in stealth mode, landed on my sandwich, stuck his tongue out at me and flew off. I chucked the sandwich at the fly. I missed. Unfortunately, I hit the cat who began to run around madly with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich stuck to his face. The cat ran off down the hallway and I went after the cat and the fly was in hot pursuit of us both. With one hand reaching for the cat and the other hand waving crazily behind me to shoo off the fly, the three of us blew through the screen door. Outside the cat stopped, I stopped, and the fly disappeared. With a sigh of relief, I bent down to pick the sandwich off the cat and that's when it happened, the fly came out of nowhere and cracked me one right in the nose. Crazy, right?

PS. I thank my toofs are loose. Anyone got some glue to put them back?

View on black, or the fly will come visit you.

Our Daily Challenge: Begins with C (cracked, the glasses, not me)


Determined by hbmike2000
Determined, a photo by hbmike2000 on Flickr.


Out of the rocks, sprang a weed. I pulled it. It came back. I sprayed it. It drank to no avail. I waved my finger at it and yelled bad words. It ignored me. It gets no water yet grows.

I secede my attempts to annihilate it and bow down to the determination of survival. Besides, you may want to wave it around you nose for a bit, I think the cat just farted.

View On Black Or I'll send Sir Gas A Lot over

Sliders Sunday

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Pennies And Dimes Tell A Thousand Stories

Pennies And Dimes Tell A Thousand Stories

This is my 1000's photo uploaded to Flickr. Technically 1002 but 2 are uploaded as private so I could use them in the comment sections as "Before" shots. Some I'm extremely proud of, like Enjoy: The Mexican Coca-Cola Flower ( ) and 50 Steps East Is West ( ). Some still make me laugh myself silly like The 10 Step Program ( ) and I Gots Me A New Toof Brush ( ) On occasion I do get serious, one in particular, Lest We Forget ( ) I still have a hard time looking at for the memories it brings about a particular time in my life. Yet, others I look at and wonder what was I thinking. ( no links to those, thank you very much)

No matter what,I have a had a blast this last 1000 shots and I hope you have enjoyed looking at them (and reading them)

Thank you all.


Found these pennies and dimes on the side of the house under a faucet of our new home. Although I did process this shot, the colors of the coins are real.

View on black. Because I said so. Now go to your room!

Something Is Just Not Right

Something Is Just Not Right

I can't quite place my finger on it but something is just not right.

View on black or I'll poke you with my finger

Cliché Saturday

Friday, March 22, 2013

Hairy Palms

Hairy Palms by hbmike2000
Hairy Palms, a photo by hbmike2000 on Flickr.

Hairy Palms

Not saying a word.

View on black or I'll hit you with a hairy palm

Our Daily Challenge: Green

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Walking On Water

Walking On Water by hbmike2000
Walking On Water, a photo by hbmike2000 on Flickr.

Yes, I have Hobbit feet. Stop snickering. And just WHO picked out "Hairy" for this weeks challenge???

View on black or I'll smack you with my Hobbit feet

Bokeh Thursday: Hairy (at least I didn't moon you)

How To Jet Ski In The Desert

How To Jet Ski In The Desert

First, find a rock (come on over, I have approximately a million of them)

Second, get rock wet to create a puddle.

Third, sit on jet ski on rock in puddle, press lips together and blow, making a brr rrrr rrrr rrrrr sound

Fourth, wave to all the people looking at you funny

View on black or I will run you over with my jet ski (if I can figure out how to get it off the rock)

Our Daily Challenge: Cliched
(lake shots are cliché, even when they are man made and small)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The First Hot Day And They All Droop

The First Hot Day And They All Droop

The first hot day we have and all the flowers droop! As far as I'm concerned, they are all Pansies now. To make matters worse, the only flower worth taking a photo of was down low.
I sat on a thorn.
It's still there.
Don't just sit there, someone get it out please!

View on black or I'll make all your flowers droop

Our Daily Challenge: Floral

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Watching Rocks Turn To Sand

Watching Rocks Turn To Sand

Once upon a time, there was a star. That star exploded, sending gas and dust through out open space. That gas and dust collected to become a large rock. That large rock became a planet. That planet created life. From that life, two strangers met. From those two strangers, came me. And here I sit, watching rocks turn to sand.

View on black or I'll surround you with dust and gas

Our Daily Challenge: Time

It's Just A Matter Of Looking

It's Just A Matter Of Looking

It's just a matter of looking to see the beauty and wonder in some things. It' not always easy to find, but it's there.

View on black. Where goggles, it will poke your eye out

Sliders Sunday

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Luke Skywalker Goes Retro

Luke Skywalker Goes Retro by hbmike2000
Luke Skywalker Goes Retro, a photo by hbmike2000 on Flickr.

Luke Skywalker Goes Retro

As the wind whipped across the Tatooine desert, a shady ship seller talks Luke Skywalker into a retro space craft. R2D2, already hot from the sun against his metal wants to know where the cup holder is for his Mocha Frappe?

View on black or I'll send you up in Luke's Retro Space Ship (which I am not convinced is Space Ready)

Cliché Saturday

Friday, March 8, 2013

50 Steps East Is West

50 Steps East Is West by hbmike2000
50 Steps East Is West, a photo by hbmike2000 on Flickr.

50 Steps East Is West

Fifty steps east of my front door is west. There the desert sun shines through clouds that are dropping snow on the mountains around me. I smiled, picked a bug out of my teeth and took my shot for Flickr Friday's Walk 50 Steps and Shoot. Is it any wonder why I moved here.

View on black or I'll make you eat a bug

Flickr Friday: Walk 50 Steps And Shoot

We Wouldn't Have This Problem If You Had Just Worn A Pair Of Bloomers

Yes, it's three days later and the Queen Of Hearts is STILL yelling at me. The Mad Hatter talked her into going Off Road and she let him drive. Needless to say they crashed. During the crash, she flew out of the vehicle head over heals. I took some photos. It's possible her dress flew up over her head. I may have got a photo. It's also possible I sold the photo to a drunk man in an alley for $5. Just saying. It's possible. All I know, is we wouldn't have this problem if she had just worn a pair of bloomers.

View On Black or I'll show you the photo.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

I'm Sorry, I Saw The Word Break

I'm Sorry, I Saw The Word Break

I'm sorry, I saw the word 'break' in the challenge for today and ran out and broke something. It's not my fault, you all should know not to put the word 'break' in a challenge and expect me to read any further. My neighbors are gonna be mad when they see there broken vase now. I'm telling them you did it.

View on black you Hoodlum!

Our Daily Challenge: Break The Rules. (I always fess up but today I don't have to)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

No Running, Please

No Running, Please by hbmike2000
No Running, Please, a photo by hbmike2000 on Flickr.

No Running, Please

I was all excited about doing my first Bokeh Thursday challenge in a long time. The plan was to set up a vase of flowers by the pool with the Jacuzzi in the background all decked out in its best bokeh. With a solid plan, I set out to take the shot.

I ran to the bedroom, snatched the camera, flew down the hall, slid into the kitchen and slung open the sliding door. Then I ran passed the Rock Rose, grabbed some blooms, jumped down the steps, raced around to the other side of the pool when I realized I forgot the vase. I skidded to a stop, tripped on a rock, the camera flew, I went down, knocked myself out and apparently the camera took this photo as it landed on a cactus next to me. And that is how I got my Bokeh Thursday Challenge Still Life shot for this week. Anybody got any ice?

View on black or I'll chuck the Rock Rose with no blooms left at you.

Bokeh Thursday: Still Life

One Flew Over The DoDo's Nest

One Flew Over The DoDo's Nest

I accidentally let him out. Don't look at me that way. He claimed to be a pigeon.

View on black or I'll give you the bird! (that came out wrong)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Queen Of Hearts Goes Off Roading

The Queen Of Hearts Goes Off Roading

Needing a break from the throne, the Queen of Hearts decided to go on a little vay kay. She grabbed the White Rabbit and Mad Hatter and decided to go to Desert Hot Springs to soak in the Spas. Instead, she let the Mad Hatter talk her into going Off Roading. To make matters worse, she let Hatter drive.

With the turn of a key and the press of the pedal, they went from 0 to 80 in half a second and traveled four feet before crashing into a duck and driving down a cliff. Now the Mad Queen is MAD!

View on black or I'll let the Mad Hatter Chauffer for you.

Our Daily Challenge: Down the Rabbit Hole

Sunday, March 3, 2013

He Dreams Of Being A Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Balloon

He Dreams Of Being A Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Balloon

Mr. Stix told me he wanted to be a Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade balloon when he grows up. I made the mistake of telling him he couldn't. Balloons have ropes holding them down, he has a stick holding him up. Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade balloons are big, he's little. He stared at me blankly for a minute then inhaled deeply, held his breath, floated upwards and with a tiny 'poof' from his rear end, floated off towards the mountains. I may have been wrong.

View on black or Mr. Stix will 'poof' near you.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Skull Rock

Skull Rock

With a slow drive on a quick trip through Joshua Tree National Park, my eye glanced upon a rock on the side of the road. STOP, I yelled. The driver slammed on the breaks, head spinning in all directions thinking he hit a bunny or some other small animal. I calmed him down and told him he didn't hit anything but I just saw heaven on the side of the road and it called to me. I flew out of the car, ran back a hundred yards or so, and through the bushes I caught a glimpse of a miracle. Quickly, I ran around the bushes to the trail and there it was, Skull Rock. I did what any Pirate would do, screamed like a girl and fainted in the dirt.

A few minutes later I was awaken by a kick from the now annoyed driver. He looks down on me and pleads, "Can we go now, people are staring" I stand up, brush the dirt off me, hold my head up high and walk over to Skull Rock and give it a big hug. I'll be back, I whisper into the whole where an ear should be. And with my head still high and the driver's head hung low, we walked back to the car.

View on black or I'll have my new friend, Skull Rock, throw pieces of him at you.

Cliché Saturday