Monday, November 26, 2012

Lost: The Hunt For Gingerbread Cookies

I was off flying in my plane, the Spruced Goosed, looking for gingerbread cookies when I had engine trouble and had to touchdown on the mysterious island the Land of Misfit Generic Playthings. As I hopped out of the cockpit, I looked around, everything was so huge. As I scanned the horizon, I felt the ground tremble as if a happy grass colored large person was walking across a farm. I turned around and standing in front of me was a 30 foot tall gingerbread man cookie. And thats when I realized, I wasn't lost after all. I was dead and in heaven! (yes my version of heaven has a 30 foot tall Gingerbread man. Don't hate)

View on black or I'll chuck a 10 pound gingerbread man cookie crumb at you

112 pictures in 2012

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