Friday, June 8, 2012

Through The Fence I Heard A D'OH!

You know how when you take 100 pictures of something and it turns out that the first shot was the best anyway? Well, yeah, that didn't happen.

For my Fenced Friday shot, I thought I would shoot the fence around Big Thunder Railroad. I tried a panning shot near the waterfall as the train went by. Hated it. Then I tried another shot as it came down the hill. Hated it. Tried a shot of it going UP the hill with the fence in the back. Hated it. I tried a narrow field shot of the fence with no stupid train. Hated it! Then a lizard ran by and distracted me. Eureka! I took a shot of the lizard with the fence in bokeh! Hated it, hated it HATED IT! They were all horrible. Obviously my camera wasn't working cause MY shots don't come out that bad.

Frustrated and exhausted, I did the only thing I could think of, run around in circles waving my hands in the air like a crazy person and then fall to the ground in a hissy fit.

As I lay there on the hot ground, a wad of old gum stuck to my chest, I realized I had my photo. I nice low shot of the fence with the grass bokeh. I pushed the camera in front of me, looked through the view finder, placed my finger on the shutter, slowly applied pressure and focused on the fence. As my finger began it's descent down on the shutter button, a whistle blew as the train approached, a kid cried and I became a speed bump for a stroller.

Click. D'OH!

The fence, no longer in focus, was my last shot. I was hot, tired and I had gum on my chest and tire marks on my back.

Not the BEST fence photo but the grass sure is pretty.

View on black or I'll throw my gum at you


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