Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Hello. Hello? HELLO???

Hello.  Hello?  HELLO??? by hbmike2000
Hello. Hello? HELLO???, a photo by hbmike2000 on Flickr.

When I saw the challenge for Leaning, I knew what I wanted to shoot. There is this very cool garden area at the end of Main Street USA, just to the left of Sleeping Beauty's Castle. I wound my way through the crowds to the perfect spot. I aimed my camera, pushed the shutter button, seven shots went off, I smiled then frowned. The pictures looked like they were gonna come out good but ... I don't think the tree is actually leaning. I think it's more asleep. I poked it with a stick a couple of times, nothing. I yelled a bit, nothing. I reached over and splashed cold water from the pond on its face, Nothing. Stupid tree. I'm posting it anyway, those people in the Our Daily Challenge group will NEVER know that it's not actually leaning, that it's just asleep.

View on black for that perfect ZEN feeling ... or I'll throw sand at you

Our Daily Challenge: Leaning

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