Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Be Honest, You Know It's Really A Sippy Cup

For years, Pirates had a horrible time waking up after a long night of pilfering. They would fill up their mugs with coffee and rum (well, mostly rum) and spill it all over the poop deck before they could even get a drop down their gullets. (I may be 45 but I still snicker at "poop deck"). Unable to drink coffee, they were tired and useless. One day, a captain by the name of Kangaroo came up with a brillaint idea. Snatching his young sons sippy cup, he filled it with coffee and gave it to his Fifth mate. (He accidentally killed his first through fourth mate the night before). The Fifth mate looking down at the sippy cup cried "Aye, I'm not drinking from no dang childs sippy cup!", so the captain killed him. As the fifth mate fell to the ground with sippy cup in hand, not one drop of coffee spilt. He renamed it "traveller mug" and passed them around the next morning. Not one Pirate would drink from it, calling it a sippy cup. The captain killed them all!

And this is why we have traveller mugs today and no pirates.

View on Black or I will send Captain Kangaroo to your house

Our Daily Topic: Transportation

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