Monday, November 28, 2011

Robot Butler With Tude

Robot Butler With Tude by hbmike2000
Robot Butler With Tude, a photo by hbmike2000 on Flickr.

I went out and hired me a Robot Butler. He sat on my couch all day eating bon bons and watching Jerry Springer. When I told him the windows were dirty, he replied, I don't do windows. Fine I said, laundry needs to be done. Don't do laundry either he says. Atleast vaccum the carpet. Nope he snaps. Dishes? Nope. Take out the trash? Nope. Pick up? Nope nope nope. What do you do??? I holler. I cleaned out your refrigerator earlier, he says.

He did too. I have no food left.

View on black then come over and clean my house while the robot and I sit on the couch eating bon bons and watch Jerry Springer.

Our Daily Challenge: Begins With R

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