Saturday, October 15, 2011

Never Give Batman Your Camera

Batman gave me a call the other morning and asked me if I wanted to go to Disneyland. I said sure. We got there and had blast. As we were going through the Submarine line, I tossed my camera at him and yelled, Hey Batman, Take my picture. He turned, saw an object flying at him, yelled POW, ZAP, stuck his foot on my chest and kicked me over the rail into the lagoon. He then snatched my camera out of the air, focused and took this shot. He still can't take a straight shot after all these years.

He then proceeded to pull me out of the Lagoon and helped me hang up my clothes on some wires going across Main Street USA. Everything was fine till the Disney Police showed up and asked if that was my underwear flying half mast above the Guests head. I said no, they said why are you naked, I said I am the Emperor and have new clothes, they said wrong park and threw me out. Thanks Batman.

View on black or Batman will come over and POW, ZAP you

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